Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A louer

SONG: Hang on to your love-Sade

Here i sit, on lovely st.lo street, for some anglo's who choose to keep it anglo, the street can also be known as "st.laurence street, but that is for those who like to keep it obnoxious. 
it's a beautiful day and the hipsters are shining, with the bright colors and urban outfitters garb. dont get me wrong im not here to preach the gospels of originality, rather im here just to make fun of it anything else i deem acceptable. my judgmental gaze leaves little room for innocence. 
Sidenote, there is a man across the street, who is just sitting alone and talking to himself as he smokes he cigarette through his nose. Things like this cannot be made up, rather they are straight from the pages of a thing I like to call reality. 
Three days remain of my time as a Montrealais, ooh how the time flies by kinda like a night of drinking, I will realize all the fun that was had, the morning after, choosing to ignore all the things that are deemed secondary.
There is not much left on my to do list, besides just take it easy and just enjoy ze moment. There is one thing left, but I shall chose to keep that between me and my imagination.
The past seems to haunt me like the ghost that used to crash on the 4th floor of the museum of science and nature building in Ottawa. Apparently, they renovated the whole place, evicting the pool ghost man, gentrification just aint hitting the poor but also the dead.
I gots myself a new camera, which is exciting. these peeps who insist that I call them "mom& dad" came over the other day, popped open the trunk of the their vehicle and were like "you check this ish out gurl" I was like oh snap, oh no you didn't. they then drove off to kick it with their homegirl aka my sister aka their daughter.
I don't have the internet and must be honest, I am overwhelmed by it's powerful existence.
I often check out the same things everytime i "log on"
like my horoscope, which i know is as close to being as real as Paris Hilton, but im just a sucker for a stranger to tell me precise things about my life. I then proceed to check out my e-mail accounts in hopes of  discovering something fun and exciting in my inbox, often more than not, i come out empty handed, but hey my horoscope tells me that will change. My friend insists that I cave into "Skype" but truth be told that ish kinda scares me, it's as if the future is now, and I am unable to run away from it. I continue to make excuses like "i dont have a webcam, or I don't have a computer, or I don't know what Skype is, but there is just soo long that I can continue to spit these lies in hopes of caching my fears of well face to face Internet chatting. 
Sidenote, CLones...what up with that and do they actually exist?  Looking out of my cafe store front window, i can't help but to see constant reproductions of cool. 
I have pretty much found a way to say nothing in soo many words. MAGICIAL!!!

I am in a current state of detox, the slight thought of alcohol makes me shudder, as I am reminded of my 17hour state of comatose. I pretty much laid in bed for give or take 17hours, entering and leaving consciousness here and there. It was a rough day, a complete write-off to be exact. but ca arrive....n'est pas. Belvedere, kids! It's dangerous....perhaps a weapon of mass destruction if placed in the wrong hands.... And, Sunday it was defiantely a weapon that destroyed my liver and all plans I had made for Monday. It reached a point that talking was a difficult task.

Ok, the Sun has decided to come out and make an appearance, making me want to sit under it's rays as I attempt to procrastinate more of my life away. 
Laziness is truly an artform, one that I am attempting to perfect, daily, hourly and well just constantly.

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