red wine makes me not mind
oK another night in paradise
my time here is slowly dwindling
in reality,
its not quite slow more like a light speed
i can't believe 3 months have already past me by
ive accomplished my fair share of things,
socialize with peeps, mostly over the tender age of 50,
hit up some new islands some that i didn't know existed
mastered driving my mechanical chariot on the not so lovely
streets of st.maarten, the ways here are completely different.
Montreal driving looks calm and ordered compared to here
People often just stop in the middle of the road to catch up with
a friend they see walking on the street. There is often traffic for no apparent reason
I've also seen every shade under one sun here.
People be mixing like their name was Betty Crocker.
Im currently waiting for my platonic date warren to come pick me
up. As I was killing time I reduced myself to a 13year old girl crush
on mark ronson, he's dreamy.
i wouldnt mind waking up to that smile and passing a lazy saturday in bed with him........
Anyways, I'm sure finding the real thing will be as hard as finding a real Chanel bag at Zellers, and so I will attempt to find a good knock off but not one that has the two C C's from the logo facing each other, something thats close to the real thing but not of course.. The search begins. On to bigger and sexier things, n'est pas?
My life choices are currently in the washer being cycled out. I keep making one decision then it rinses out and becomes a new one. I'm anxious an indecisive not a good mix.
I will wait it out, i suppose, my sister who is often my rational side, told me today that its already written and the best part is waiting to reading whats to come (paraphrased)
im going out tonite, somehting that has become as rare as a syzygy.
Lets see what the full moon will bring me.
off into the wilderness of St. Maarten night life.
Let your soul stand cool and composed before a million universes- Walt Whitman
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