Friday, September 17, 2010

The truth is, that the truth is all there is.

My mind has recently chosen to travel within the levels of the absurd. The baggage has been checked and it awaits its eminent travel, within a grand enlightened waiting room.
The clock ticks and off we go, discovering the things that are deemed irrational by anyone
who believes to be a skeptic. It's amazing what you can learn with a little touch of self-interest
powered by the force that is "google". Answers come flooding in like a torrential downpour of knowledge. Leaving those unprepared wet and cold from their experiences. The fuel that feeds this mission is the words and experiences of those who once called this earth their residence. Where they are now, is unclear to both you and I. Edgar Cayce, Carl Jung are two to name a few. Although they are two seperate men it seems as if the mission was unconsciously similar. They attempted to dig within the human physche like two archelogists attempting to find the remains of a lost civilization. Their tools were their abilities to see past the constraints of third dimensional society that shelters us from above.
I was introduced to an interesting experience shared by Ted Serios, who at the time was a modest bellhop from Chicago. With the power of belief and hope Dr. Jules Eisenbud helped illuminate this man abilities of creating thoughtography. Serios claimed to hold the ability of making photographs appear with the mere action of using his thoughts to actualize a print. Mr.Serios became the cat's meow of the scientific community as they attempted to prove and dispel his psychic abilities. It is interesting to read articles that review Mr.Serios abilites. I even find the ones that dispels his abilities to be more interesting. One is written by a photographer who also had a background with magicians. His skeptical radar was on a high allowing him to breakdown all that he witnessed from his experience with Serios demonstrations.
Regardless of the hoax created by Serios. I do quite enjoy the sheer idea of the word thoughtography.

Now on to a man who is valorized from his Nastradomus like skills. Ladies and gentleman please meet "Edgar Cayce".

Who was born in 1877 and raised in the rough and tough pastoral lands of America. Cayce held the ability to place himself within a self-induced slumber and channel what is called the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records are believed to be a grand database of every experience,thought and idea that was ever thought and that will ever be thought. By accessing this level of consciousness Cayce was able to access answers to the questions asked by his patients.
While Cayce was in Kentucky, he gave a reading for a man in New York (740-1). He saw the man smoking a cigar, heard him whistling a particular song, saw him meet with another man about a piece of property, and saw him look over three letters. Finally, the sleeping Cayce heard the man telephone another gentleman and knew the gentleman's name. All of these events were later verified. Cayce was able to see with this extra sense everything the man in New York had experienced firsthand with his normal senses.

Cayce's case is very intriguing based on the fact they have an astonshing 14,000 records of his readings that are also accompanied by follow ups made by his patients confirming how close his readings were to reality.

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