Sunday, November 14, 2010

They're here to steal your kids.

My friends passed me a link today. Allowing me to take a break from studying
furniture design.
I was first unsure of how serious this forum was but the more I read the more I
was assured that no one could possibly make this up without actually believing
in what they were writing.

I don't know if you all are aware.
But apparently, Justin Bieber is the henchman
for the homosexual agenda. Bringing the young children
in your life towards the world of sodomy and
other unjustified acts.

I never truly cared for him or the little subculture that he has created
(bieben for one).
After reading this little account of someone's true fears (I doubt that someone is funny enough to imagine writing this) I can't help to feel sorry for the ignorance that exists out there.
I will now grace your imagination with my favorite quotes.

The blogger; Ladies of Landover Senior VP
One of the Truest Christians™ Ever
recounts what she did with her young unsaved trash niece after discovering Justin Bieber on her Ipod.
Locking her in the guest prayer closet, I powered up the computer, called my husband - Mr. Whitford - to explain the situation so he could remotely log into JesOS and unlock the search engine.

Justin Bieber is no ordinary rock and roller bent on raging against God. No, he is nothing less than a tool of the homosexual agenda whose sole purpose is to drive our young girls from a righteous existence as help meets for their future husbands and convert them into radical feminazi bulldykes.
That's right. Justin Bieber is from SOVIET CANUCKISTAN! America's attic - Canada! The frozen tundra that has legalized sodomite "marriage" and is full of nothing but marihuana cigarette smoking blubber munchers! That icy wasteland has become what we've long feared it would - a staging area for a sodomite terrorist invasion with the intent of destroying the most basic foundation of our nation. The American family.

You would look at his last name and as a normal person, you would pronounce it as "Bye-ber". No, his name is pronounced "Bee-ber". Beeber. Sounds very, VERY close - too close to be coincidence - to "Beaver". The national symbol of Soviet Canuckistan and even more damning, a slang term for a certain piece of the female anatomy that should only ever be seen by a woman, her husband, and Jesus!

Oh and the icing on the cake came from a forum responses made by Rev. Jim Osborne.

Perhaps its my partisanship towards the good old Attic of America but I found this response to be just bloody hilarious. So much so that this whole thing reminded me of a South Park episode.

Someone asked "What is wrong with Canada"

Rev Osborne:

And what is wrong with Canada? Liberals, hippies, euthanasia, legalized drugs, gay marriage, French people, ice skating, socialized medicine, socialism, bilingualism, bagged milk, eskimoes, etc....did you really need to ask such a question?

Oh Pop culture. It seems the yarn of pop culture and things that are truly
important have become so intertwined that we are incapable of distinguishing the two.
It feels as if I have recently awoken from a coma where everything has been turned upside down.

Now remember kids when you are drinking from your jugs of milk or even your bagged milk to take a serving of consciousness. This will help prevents such diseases as ignorance and hatred..

To check out the original post.

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