Friday, January 14, 2011

For those who believe in the unseen.

I have come to realize that I suffer from the Goldilocks syndrome.
In the world of romance everything appears to be sub-par.

Where am I? Perhaps we should distinguish that question within a more specific realm. I myself stand within a realm of an approaching transition. Preparing for the manifestation of my dreams. I balance my weight on the mast of a paper ship. Able to see the land that is to come my way. Determination,faith and confidence are the essential ingredients of this stew. Shaken and stirred. The scent of the possibilities to come permeate my dreams allowing me to imagine the possibilities to come.
Death is often feared within our society. If we were to ignore it's presence, perhaps it would not present itself within the possibilities of what is to inevitably to come. I discovered this interesting custom of creating death masks. It would often be done for the distinguished individuals of history; Abraham Lincoln, Henri II, Alfred Hitchcock etc etc. Not only were masks created to pay respects they were also used within Phrenology. A pseudoscience which believed that anatomical sizing of an individual could determine their personality. For example a big head equates liars or other rubbish of that sort.

Television has been the bane of my productivity. I just watched three episodes back to back on British real estate. Do I have plans of investing? No. Do I have plans of moving to England? No.

Again, television will be the bane of my productivity. I forced myself to change the channel to get a scoop of the real world. BBC has poured it out in front of my eyes like a dealer at a grisly casino.
I can relate to Henry Darger. A man who chose to dislocate himself from a world that orphaned him. Creating a secluded space all for himself and his rebellious posse of girls fighting off the slave owners. It's ironic that the wealth from his creations began to fall from the sky at a time when he is unable to profit from it.

And so it goes,
I am off to dream.

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