Monday, November 29, 2010

Journey into the unknown

Have you ever tried desperately to grasp on to something that was never truly yours to begin with?
I don't know about you, but I am guilty of all charges. Regardless of my intentions I always return back to trying to hold strong to things I hold no authority over.
Don't get me wrong, I am not proclaiming my kleptomaniac ways here. I mean
this more in the metaphorical sense rather than the figurative.
I realized, within a eureka moment as i sat in a room filled with possessions I hardly care for.

That I will attempt to let go.
Releasing myself like a snowflake falling from a pewter sky.
Whose direction is guided by the way of the wind.

Thursday, November 25, 2010



Today I decided to begin something I have thought about called
REAL TALK. I often enjoy getting lost in various spaces. Which often leads me to chatting it up with complete strangers. I enjoy the idea of sharing a intimate moment through the power of conversation with someone you might never see again. Perhaps we can call it a conversational one night stand? Regardless of what it's called I have collected many of these moments in mind. I often enjoy cab drivers for this mostly due to the fact that they resemble cats by having lived so many lives.
I perused through an old journal (May 2007 to be exact). I found a submission I had put
from one day when I was waiting at the bus.
"A woman came up to me last night, she asked me if Jesus was in my life. I was used to hearing this question from religious fanatics. Being a self-proclaimed agnostic I was already equipped with a polite response to her question and to also to end the possibility of being sucked into her ranting. As I was about to respond with my stock response I looked into the woman's eyes, I know it is a bit corny but it's true. When I looked into her eyes I began to realize her devotion. I began to think of some questions I could ask her to entertain my curiosity.

Question 1: How did you experience religion? Were you always religious?
At the age of 41 she realized that she had been lacking a lot in her personal life, a religious spirit and a healthy relationship were just two things to start with. She shared her then boyfriend with his wife. He always promised her that one day he would leave her but he never did. One night, like so many before she was out on the prowl seeking revenge to get back at her cheating boyfriend. On the way to the bar she ran into a woman who was doing exactly what she was doing with me; spreading the gift of God. The woman's words found a place deep inside her where even she forgot existed. Rather than going to the bar that night and cheat on her boyfriend she made the decision of going to church with this complete stranger.
Twenty six years have past and her faith has grown stronger. Through the years
she was able to repent for her sins and helps those who are lost like she once was.

Question 2:Do you believe that science can replace religion?
Look at a light post, even though the technology is enticing, nothing can beat the beauties created by God. Look at the stars, they cease to reaffirm my faith, they are too beautiful to just exist. They are matter which means they have been created by a supreme being.

After our nice little convo, I hopped on the bus and made my way halfway across the city to hang out at a friend of a friends house. She gave me some food for thought.

I was chatting it up with one of the kids I work with. We were talking about reality television emulating life. One of the other kids asked what would the equivalent of a commercial be in real life. He responded the moments in life when you have nothing to do. So before you return to the main programming allow me to entertain you during the commercial break with one more piece from one of my old journals (Jan 4th 2008 to be exact)

I want to love but don't want to hurt.
I want to laugh and never have to cry.
I want it all but truly lack the patience.
I want the stars in the sky with
a slice of pie.
I know what I want
and have yet to realize
exactly what I need.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

the attack.

I got to experience the future today.
It was glorious and tactile.
It manifested itself within the form
of Microsofts new Xbox 360, the kinect.
As someone who is not too into videogames,
they have appeared to make many cameos within
the grande scheme of my being.

So,there I was on a Thursday afternoon
accompanying my friend to pick up her
newest technological cadeaux.
After some errrands we arrived back at her
house as curiousity and impatience rushed through our blood.

After a few distractions (youtube,cat talk, downloading etc)
we finally got the chance to step into the future, brought to you by Xbox.
Again I am often a skeptic with videogames but after working as a "videogame analyst"
my retired interests were awoken.
We attempted to play a simple rafting game. I could not help but feel the cardiovascular
work out just from sliding across a wooden floor and dirtying my socks.
Regardless, the competitor within was ready for a challenge.
I began contemplating all the necessary excuses to get one.
like "Well if they have fitness games it would be just like getting a gym membership."

I had to crawl away from all the marvelous that are the future and head back into
a November night to catch the bus. Art attack observation awaited.
On my way I got to experience some Real Talk in the flesh.
I was standing on the street waiting in a line behind 2 other dudes for my bus to arrive. I was
completely lost in my own world, listening to the "Get Innocuous!" by
LCD Soundsystem and you know just minding my own.
This man who I shall describe as being round 35 to 40years old
rolls up in his bicycle. He was clad in a generic winter jacket, cargo pants
and a used bicycle. He rolls up to the light and stops in his two wheeled self power vehicle.
He begins to stare straight into the eyes of the guy standing beside me.
I pay little attention until he began to mutter
"what you didn't think I couldn't find you? You owe me money!"
The man beside me in line instantly responds
"I don't owe you anything"
Perhaps he was insulted?Or just felt the need to spit the raw truth. Cargo pants man begins to spew:
"What you think you can smoke my crack and cigarettes and not have to pay?
You owe me money and I have come to collect!
I want my money by December 2nd or I'm going to break both of you arms"

Please keep in mind the more he spoke the more his temperament would rise . He then proceeded by providing us with an slightly evil head shake and then he proceeded to bike off.
It might be because I often find humor in the slightest things but I could not help to contain my laughter on this one. A poor innocent girl walked in on this happening to join the happening bus que and was left in shambles as she attempted to glue together the slight bits of information she saw and heard.

It's funny because there I was believing that my wait and ride would not be entertaining. I must admit though I made sure to sit behind the man who had just received his little threat. He smelt like cigarettes that had been put out and re-lit and bore a hideous cough all the while caching his fact from within a cap.

I continued to meet another one of my awesomely fantastic friends for some
art attack observation. The location was the National Art Gallery.
My memory lacks the file indicating the last time I visited the beautiful
glass cage. However I am certain it was quite sometime ago.
If I were to be an art critic, I would naturally describe both exhibits as being quite awesome.
We began with some Canadian talent. The works reminded me of the modest Canadian talent that is rampant throughout this nation.
For example; Carl Beam.
His work reminded me of an intense and passionate journal that explored the victim and the perpetrator paradigm. I forgot about the beauteous results of photo-emulsion.
for example;
There were a lot of other hidden gems within the Canadian edition exhibition. We proceeded towards the Global Citizen: The architecture of Moshe Safdie. I really enjoyed his work even more so from the sense that his work was being exhibited within a gallery that was designed by his imagination. His imagination also created Expo '67's habitat housing.
It was defiantly a trip to see the original ads promoting the domestic sales of his houses. I enjoyed his modest perspective towards urban planning. By attempting to encourage the benefits of suburban living within a city space. Plus he's a man of geometry which also makes him a man of my heart.
. I think of the pieces that were realized I was most impressed by his holocaust memorial museum in Jerusalem. It begins through hollow and stark halls that retell the rise of Nazi's
all retold from the accounts of victims. The halls lead you to this vast expanse that looks over Jerusalem. To me it seemed to represent the expansive future that awaits.

Oh art. How I love thee. All this work was an amazing art attack observational experience. So much soo that my fatigued mind has chosen not include everything that I enjoyed. A girl should keep somethings to herself. N'est pas?
Oh PS: Louise Bourgeois holds it down for being a 98 artist who kept on making phenomenal pieces even till she was taken from the earth.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

They're here to steal your kids.

My friends passed me a link today. Allowing me to take a break from studying
furniture design.
I was first unsure of how serious this forum was but the more I read the more I
was assured that no one could possibly make this up without actually believing
in what they were writing.

I don't know if you all are aware.
But apparently, Justin Bieber is the henchman
for the homosexual agenda. Bringing the young children
in your life towards the world of sodomy and
other unjustified acts.

I never truly cared for him or the little subculture that he has created
(bieben for one).
After reading this little account of someone's true fears (I doubt that someone is funny enough to imagine writing this) I can't help to feel sorry for the ignorance that exists out there.
I will now grace your imagination with my favorite quotes.

The blogger; Ladies of Landover Senior VP
One of the Truest Christians™ Ever
recounts what she did with her young unsaved trash niece after discovering Justin Bieber on her Ipod.
Locking her in the guest prayer closet, I powered up the computer, called my husband - Mr. Whitford - to explain the situation so he could remotely log into JesOS and unlock the search engine.

Justin Bieber is no ordinary rock and roller bent on raging against God. No, he is nothing less than a tool of the homosexual agenda whose sole purpose is to drive our young girls from a righteous existence as help meets for their future husbands and convert them into radical feminazi bulldykes.
That's right. Justin Bieber is from SOVIET CANUCKISTAN! America's attic - Canada! The frozen tundra that has legalized sodomite "marriage" and is full of nothing but marihuana cigarette smoking blubber munchers! That icy wasteland has become what we've long feared it would - a staging area for a sodomite terrorist invasion with the intent of destroying the most basic foundation of our nation. The American family.

You would look at his last name and as a normal person, you would pronounce it as "Bye-ber". No, his name is pronounced "Bee-ber". Beeber. Sounds very, VERY close - too close to be coincidence - to "Beaver". The national symbol of Soviet Canuckistan and even more damning, a slang term for a certain piece of the female anatomy that should only ever be seen by a woman, her husband, and Jesus!

Oh and the icing on the cake came from a forum responses made by Rev. Jim Osborne.

Perhaps its my partisanship towards the good old Attic of America but I found this response to be just bloody hilarious. So much so that this whole thing reminded me of a South Park episode.

Someone asked "What is wrong with Canada"

Rev Osborne:

And what is wrong with Canada? Liberals, hippies, euthanasia, legalized drugs, gay marriage, French people, ice skating, socialized medicine, socialism, bilingualism, bagged milk, eskimoes, etc....did you really need to ask such a question?

Oh Pop culture. It seems the yarn of pop culture and things that are truly
important have become so intertwined that we are incapable of distinguishing the two.
It feels as if I have recently awoken from a coma where everything has been turned upside down.

Now remember kids when you are drinking from your jugs of milk or even your bagged milk to take a serving of consciousness. This will help prevents such diseases as ignorance and hatred..

To check out the original post.